Spring Market and Entertainment

Hailsham Spring Market with “Streets of Wealden” entertainment. Stalls will be selling food, gifts and accessories, with entertainment between 11:30 and 2:30 provided by: Circo Rum Ba Ba – L’Hotel; Talking Birds – The Whale; Dizzy O’Dare – The Giant...

Floral Art Demonstration

Hailsham Flower Club meets for a Floral Art Demonstration by Nina Tucknott entitled “Green Inspiration”. Visitors welcome £5, members free. There will be a sales table and refreshments, together with a raffle to win the floral designs. Doors open at 7pm...

Windmill Hill Windmill: open day

The Windmill at Windmill Hill will be open again to visitors every Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday from 2.30 to 5pm. Special events include Mills Day on Sunday 12 May, the National Garden Scheme Parish Trail on 23 June, and Music at the Mill with Con Brio on 7 July....

Cats Protection Summer Fair

Support Hailsham’s local branch of Cats Protection at its Spring Fair in the garden at the rear of the shelter at 63 Marshfoot Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2RB. There will be a barbeque and stalls including plants, bric-a-brac, cat merchandise, cakes, tombola, CDs, books and...

Cowbeech Village Gardens open day

This walking tour of three gardens takes you through Kerpses, Trolliloes Lane, BN27 4JG where there is a large sloping garden with vegetable patch, greenhouse, two wildlife ponds and an orchard with beehives on site. Then onto Cowbeech House, Cowbeech, BN27 4JF with...