Hailsham Museum

The museum is open 10 – 12:30pm every Friday & Saturday till the end of October & can be found at The Hailsham Heritage Centre, Blackmans Yard, Market Street – entrance next Lloyds Bank. Displays include local history together with memorabilia from the 19th...

Annual Town Meeting

The Annual Town Meeting, when residents can come along and ask questions of the Town Council and listen to its achievements over the last yeart. The main part of the meeting will start at 7.30pm and will be chaired by the Town Mayor and Chairman, Councillor Paul...

Grand opening – Hailsham Museum

After considerable improvements to many displays the museum will be opened by the mayor, Paul Holbrook, to mark the beginning of the 2024 season. The museum is open 10 – 12:30pm every Friday & Saturday till the end of October & can be found at The Hailsham...

Twinning Association Soiree

Local band the Stray Dogs will be playing at Hailsham & District Twinning Association’s Soiree. Non-members £10 per person and tickets (include light buffet) must be booked in advance, contact paulinetownsend@rocketmail.com or phone 07415 328282. Bring your...

An Evening with Consonus Baroque: The Grand Tour of Europe

It’s time to pack your Baroque bags, and join Consonus Baroque and Sussex Past on a magical musical tour of 18th Century Europe! Doors open at 6.30pm with a selection of wine, beer and soft drinks on offer. For more details and to book, visit...